Minor Arcana #1: What the Cards May Tell

Creative Team

writer/artist/colorist: JEFF LEMIRE

letterer: STEVE WANDS

publisher: BOOM! STUDIOS

Reviewed by Seth Adrian Romo

Minor Arcana #1 delivers an enchanting, character-driven comic that is equally charming as it is moody. If it’s not in your pull list, it absolutely should be.

After learning about her mother’s sickness, Theresa St. Pierre begrudgingly returns to her hometown of Limberlost. Despite her best efforts to stay removed from the family business of tarot card reading, the magic of fate has other plans.

Cleverly titled Minor Arcana—a type of tarot cards focused on everyday life moments—this oversized issue is not to be missed. Minor Arcana is a story that skillfully piques interests and subtly pulls readers into its world. Theresa St. Pierre may be the protagonist of this story, but the town of Limberlost—and its eccentric inhabitants—add to the overarching experience. From the old man who trades mediocre weather advice in exchange for cash to the unremarkable laundromat and thrift shops that border the family psychic business, these nuanced details create an immersive experience.

Written and illustrated by Jeff Lemire, it’s evident this comic series is a true labor of love. The writing never feels hurried and instead gently invites the reader to become engulfed with their experience. The art and colors also lend themselves to the quirky world of Theresa. The rough, almost sketch-like, line-work paired with the water color design creates a unique visual style that perfectly matches the story’s tone. This is especially evident in the use of color, which often reflects the emotions Theresa feels towards her family or a long-lost (or unrequited?) love. 

The lettering from Steve Wands is crisp but adds another subtle touch to the reading experience. This is highlighted in a moment of tension between Theresa and her mother fighting but using similar language. Wands’ interpretation of the script adds perfect emphasis throughout the dialogue making the back and forth sharp and personal.

The story may be a slow burn, but it is still very intriguing. There are elements of suspense as Theresa reflects on her dreams and despite her disregard for the world of tarot cards, there is still a magical tone that leaps off of the page.

As a series premiere, it has done a wonderful job with setting intrigue and there are infinite ways in which the story can go. Whether that journey is sad, morbid, or even funny remains to be seen, but readers will likely be excited to join Theresa on her journey—even if she feels like it’s a sad but likable life.

Final Verdict

Like a well-shuffled deck of cards, Minor Arcana is full of little surprises and potential for the unexpected. It’s intriguing, imaginative, and whimsically dark.

Criteria Score
Writing 9.8
Story/Plot 9.5
Art/Line Work 9.8
Colors 9.8
Final Score 9.7/10

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