Dead Eyes - The Empty Frames #1: Where Art and Crime Collide
Creative Team
artist: JOHN McCREA
colorist: MIKE SPICER
letterer: JOE SABINO
publisher: IMAGE COMICS
Reviewed by Seth Adrian Romo
Dead Eyes - The Empty Frames #1 is tightly-crafted heist story full of exciting set pieces and humor. Though it picks up where Volume 1 left off, it serves as a perfect jumping on point for new readers.
Half a billion dollars worth of art have been stolen by two crooks who waltzed into a museum and left nearly ninety minutes later. Despite best efforts by officials and even mediums, one conman known as Dead Eyes thinks he knows where the art is and how to steal it.
Like a perfectly placed painting, this issue strikes a balance in its narrative and tone in all of the right ways. Written by Gerry Duggan, part of what makes this miniseries premiere enjoyable are the subtle jokes within the already entertaining script—such as Dead Eyes breaking someone’s glasses and asking if they can see without them, only to pepper spray them in the face anyway.
Dead Eyes, a man whose mask has crossed out eyes, is a character that clearly has history in comics, but don’t let that interfere with checking out this series. Duggan’s script ensures that new readers can easily connect the dots and keeps the overarching plot stay in the forefront of the experience.
The art from John McCrea and colors by Mike Spencer work well in tandem with the script. Dead Eyes’ design is a classic heist outfit complete with a black suit, tie, and gloves and the panels ensure the action gets the spotlight it deserves. The panels make every KRUNCH and SPLAK have weight and are well deserving of the letters by Joe Sabino. Colors also play an important role and Spencer’s color choices help establish locations like a bright pink sedan in a parking garage or a dingy green in a bathroom. These elements combined mean the script and visual experience stay top notch and enjoyable.
A semi-do-gooder conman isn’t exactly a new premise, but Duggan’s story is still captivating enough that by the end of it readers will be looking forward to the next issue.
Final Verdict
Dead Eyes - The Empty Frames is a fast-paced caper with a charming anti-hero, action, and laughs. Issue #1 is not to be missed.
Criteria | Score |
Writing | 9.0 |
Story/Plot | 8.5 |
Art/Line Work | 9.5 |
Colors | 9.5 |
Final Score | 9.1/10 |