Indie Comic Highlight: Alexis Wyle #1

Alexis Wyle #1 is a strong series debut that dives into a dystopian steampunk story of good versus evil. Named after the lead character, this issue is nothing short of epic and grand in scope.

Set 10 years after half of humanity is sent to another dimension and the same unstoppable force threatens those still on earth, readers are introduced to Alexis Wyle and her team of ragtag heroes known as the Infinity-X Team.

Written by Jamie McAfee, there is a lot to appreciate in the world building and character designs. Often #1 issues—especially science fiction/fantasy comic books—are tasked with plunging readers into a new world without making it an isolating experience. McAfee maneuvers the suggested lore in the dialogue well without needing to lean heavy on exposition.

Lead protagonist, Alexis Wyle, is an incredibly likable character and McAfee has crafted a complex history in Alexis’ life. There are hints of twisted romances and reluctance of being the hero she can be (despite being capable in combat), and this lends to keeping readers interested as they witness Alexis experience nightmares, fight robots, and work with her team.

In addition to the strong script, the visuals are a unique experience. The art from Marc Rene brings McAfee’s world to life with great character designs, imaginative enemies, and fusion of two-dimensional and patterned art. There are several scenes where the colors lend to the world around Alexis and are a wonderful juxtaposition of beautiful colors in a violent and dark world.

From a narrative analysis there are some familiar elements such as the hero who refuses to take up the mantle they are destined to, but McAfee balances this narrative choice by letting readers quickly become fans of Alexis.

This issue is memorable in its story, character design, and art and the creative team have put something together that is truly special. Fans of science-fiction/fantasy should definitely have this series on their radar.

As of this review, issue #2 is gearing up on Indiegogo and will launch June 11, so there is time to dive into the dark world. You can follow the progress and support here.

About the Creator

Jamie McAfee has been writing since she could hold a pencil. A dynamic author and screenwriter from the vibrant city of Orlando, Florida. She is a master of storytelling across various mediums and genres, from Horror to Children’s books. Her passion for writing sees no bounds in carving out a niche as a versatile wordsmith. Alexis Wyle is Jamie’s first comic book series. The Indiegogo campaign for Issue #2 is live as of this article. Click here to join the campaign!

Official Alexis Wyle page is

Instagram: AWcomic 


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