The Last Wardens #1: Meet the Team

Creative Team






Reviewed by Seth Adrian Romo

The Last Wardens #1 brings chaos and excitement in this supernatural series debut. It’s part drama, part horror, and worth adding to your pull list.

Set in 1970s Oregon, Danielle Pryer has had enough of her deadbeat dad, the small town she lives in, and is ready to make a change. Her plans get derailed when her brother, Bruce (thought to be MIA from the Vietnam War), brings something sinister home with him.

The world of The Last Wardens has a lot of unknowns, but in many ways that is the intention of this premiere issue. Largely centered around Danny, this entry follows her as she goes about her day arguing with her dad, hanging out with friends, and dealing with family drama. This storytelling design puts readers into Danny’s day and although it’s not from her perspective, it’s evident that Danny’s confusion from supernatural beings appearing is an intentional part of the story.

Writers Amit Tishler and Elliot Sperl craft a script that doesn’t rush the experience—especially when the paranormal misfits show up—but also provides enough substance for readers. The foundation is strong and will get readers excited about where the story could go in subsequent issues. It is suspected that patience will pay out like waiting for an epic firework that takes its time going into the sky before filling it with spectacle.

In addition to the strong writing, the art demands its own attention in the various set pieces and color tones that bring the characters and world to life. Artist Rui Silveira’s illustrations are dynamic and every panel has little details that enhance the experience such as broken fences outside of Danny’s broken home or chickens that comedically appear (it’s not obvious at first). Silveira is clearly a master at making use of the page and the panel layouts with detailed art make the visuals stunning. Additionally, the color designs from Francesco Segala are a perfect match for Silveira’s style. What begins with cozy color palettes from Danny’s exploration in Oregon, shifts to deep reds once the action ramps up. It’s a great balance and nails the small town and horror vibes.

This premiere issue has a lot to celebrate as it will have readers hooked by the end. A challenge some readers may feel is wanting to know more information, but it’s safe to say that the foundation being built from Tishler and Sperl are ensuring readers can enjoy the experience without feeling rushed.

Final Verdict

Like a classic rock ballad, this premiere issue starts with a slow burn that builds to a crescendo of blood and action. Get ready for something epic—The Last Wardens are here and they mean business.

Criteria Score
Writing 9.00
Story/Plot 9.00
Art/Line Work 9.75
Colors 9.75
Final Score 9.4/10

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