Minor Arcana #2: A Fool in the Woods

Creative Team

writer/artist/colorist: JEFF LEMIRE

letterer: STEVE WANDS

publisher: BOOM! STUDIOS

Reviewed by Seth Adrian Romo

Minor Arcana #2 delivers a strong second entry in this story of cards and conjuring for an issue all about long-lost loves and unexpected magic.

Theresa’s return to her hometown of Limberlost to care for her dying mother has been anything but pleasant. When an insistent customer arrives at the family’s mystic shop late one evening, Theresa’s reluctant tarot card reading opens a new world and challenges her disbelief.

There’s a hidden charm in Minor Arcana that has continued since Issue #1. Part of it is the atmospheric tone and art around Theresa St. Pierre, and the other half is the characters that cross her path. While Theresa is the core character, the little interactions with the townsfolk add a rich layer of world building to this experience—especially in the way they often are hopeful which is contrasted against Theresa’s cynical and troubled personality.

Written, illustrated, and colored by Jeff Lemire, the design and attention to detail continues to be top notch and is part of what pulls the readers into the narrative. From the shifting color palettes such as the blue hues in the mysterious building Theresa enters, to the lush greens and oranges when Theresa has an unexpected encounter, this issue is visually stunning.

The script is also clever in how much information is given to the reader and this adds a sense of eeriness that refuses to be forgotten, even when the discussion of love and hope are the focal point.

This story continues to be a whimsical experience and its surprising twists that place Theresa in new worlds create a sense of magical realism to the plot. Combined with the wonderful art and panels designs—particularly a beautiful splash page of Theresa—and there’s so much to appreciate visually and from the narrative.

Final Verdict

Minor Arcana continues to be an enchanting and spellbinding story full of heart and mystery, and Issue #2 is sure to captivate readers.

Criteria Score
Writing 9.8
Story/Plot 9.8
Art/Line Work 9.8
Colors 9.8
Final Score 9.8/10

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