Into the Unbeing #1: The Earth Beneath Our Feet

Creative Team


artist/colorist: HAYDEN SHERMAN

letterer: JIM CAMPBELL


Reviewed by Seth Adrian Romo

Into the Unbeing #1 delivers a tense experience that blends a sharp script with moody and ominous art.

When a group of climate scientists in Australia receive notice of a seismic anomaly, they venture into a new land that holds more questions than answers. Upon arrival, it’s evident something massive has caused the land to shift and a cave to appear, captivating the leader of the team.

This story follows Hildur (a botanist), Selva (an entomologist), Zara (a geologist), Abby (a surveyor), and their dog Galko as they journey from their research station into a cruel land with intense heat and unforgiving winds.

Written by Zac Thompson, this somber story introduces a bleak world while incorporating commentary on climate change that looms over our planet. Rather than being heavy handed throughout the issue, Thompson cleverly presents the impacts early on, letting them rest in the background as the reader becomes engrossed with the changing landscape. The pacing is excellent, and the story and character presentations flow well, giving each their moment to shine.

Illustrated and colored by Hayden Sherman, the stylistic approach to the character design and landscape is incredibly impressive. Page layouts are cleverly put together and the care put into showcasing the vast land makes the world around the scientists act like a silent character to the story.

Final Verdict

This series premiere is a satisfying slow burn that rewards readers as they explore alongside the ensemble of characters. Watch your step—you never know what you might wake up.

Criteria Score
Writing 9.0
Story/Plot 9.0
Art/Line Work 9.0
Colors 9.5
Final Score 9.1/10

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